Sailor Maritime

Marine Surveying has an extended history that goes lower back loads of years for the motive that experience of civilization began. So long as there had been boats there were people who specialized in analyzing them for standard and strength and recommending restoration. At some point of the previous centuries as boats and transport age started out to acclimate as the first-class supply of shipping and trade, Maritime Inspection has developed as an all-around depicted calling with its extremely specific thoughts, practices, and social orders and ethics encryptions.

Maritime Inspector is anyone he or she who carry out investigations, studies or assessment of all forms of vessels which incorporates watercraft, pleasure boats, passenger vessels, tugboats, barges, dredges, oil rigs, ferries, cargoes, marine engines and service areas provided in waterways, lakes, rivers, and canals. The Marine survey additionally assesses the state and arrangements of dry-docks, loading docks, observe and describe the condition of assessment on them. Maritime Inspectors further examine construction material and equipment meant for brand new or currently in-service vessels to make certain conformity along different requirements or specs. Marine surveys distinctively take into consideration the construction, designed, machinery and equipment (navigational, protection, radio, and so forth.) and overall condition of a vessel. It also includes evaluating stuff on board and their specifications.

What We Stand For

We take a considerate technique to how we run our business, take care of our clients and deal with our staff. Our business is completely people manoeuvered, and our fulfilment hinges on the standard of our services and the quality of our relationship with the clients, contributor and other commerce accomplices. We coordinate an effective marine survey and client-focused commerce model with dedicated, skilled, team-oriented people those who convey sensible values and a passion for delivering satisfactory service.

Worldwide Marine Survey Provision & Customers

Cargo Loading

We carry out loading and lashing/securing supervisions and surveys on all form of vessels.

Damage Surveys

We conduct Marine Accident survey to evaluate the degree of the impairment sustained by the hull, rig, structures, or elsewhere on the vessel.

Vessel Condition Surveys

Our expert surveyors can conduct any vessel condition survey to determine its condition required for the seagoing vessel.

We aim to be the leading provider of the following services globally:

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Area of Activities

In the fast-moving and volatile international trade and commerce. Sailor Maritime Survey Private Limited has the operational agility and innovation to respond to clients’ modern-day requirements.
With the intended operations within the Middle East, Asia, North America, Latin America the United States, and Europe, Sailor Maritime Survey Private Limited is capable to provide a very coordinated global service. Sailor Maritime Survey Private Limited gives customers constantly high standard service, technical excellence, and best practices.